Screening Protocol
One of the true challenges of any technique is to quickly evaluate your patient and determine the best course of therapy that can be performed in a session as well as determine their immediate needs and follow your long-term goals of care.
Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T.) does have advanced tools to effectively accomplish this task. The key is one's knowledge base of neuro-anatomy, neuro-physiology and most important a good understanding of applied kinesiology.
1) The first step is to start off in the supine position and identifying at least one dependable limb to muscle test, usually the straight arm testing (anterior deltoid).
2) Next, is ruling-out psychological or physiological reversal (overload). If this is present, you will often get confusing muscle testing results as well as miss important indicators. If the patient is not in overload/reversal, the next step is to determine what level of emotional stress one's patient is in. Your findings will/should play a significant role in determining your approach and what you can expect to accomplish in the treatment session.
The key to evaluating the patient is efficiency and accuracy. We all understand the subjective nature of muscle testing therefore it behooves the practitioner to verify one's finding in at least two or three different ways. I will cover examples below.
- Is Switching (reversal) present
- Is emotional stress present and rate it on 1-5 scale
- Is there physiological (organ or physical pain) stress present and how much
- Is the gait reflexes clear
- Is scoliosis present or resolved
- Is there an active vestibulo-ocular-reflex (VOR) deficit
- What is the status of the superficial Immune system
- What is the status of the Endocrine system
- Is there organ distress and which organ(s)

Below are LINKS for:
- Emotional Overlays (explanation) ...2 page paper to be presented at the annual Energy Kinesiology Association in June 2012.
- Screening Protocol ...Print-out 2 page PDF File from the new teaching manual with reviews options for pre-screening of the new or established patient.

( 2- page paper)
(Print-out PDF File)
Of Screening Protocols
videos of patient treatment