Neural Organization Technique N.O.T.
2015 Seminar - Bornemouth (UK)
Dates :
- Feb 28th & March 1st
Instructors: (E. Rupp/R.R. LaRusso)
- April
4th & 5th N.O.T. MODULE 2 Instructors: (E. Rupp/R.R. LaRusso)
- June 13th & 14th N.O.T. MODULE 3 Instructors: (E. Rupp/R.R. LaRusso)
To participate in NOT modules 1/2/3
100 hours AK from ICAK or Prerequisite module is required.
Seminar hours:
- Saturday 10h00 I 13h00 - 14h00 I 19h00
- Sunday 08h00 I 13h00 - 14h00 I 16h00

Total hours 45 hours for 3 modules (15 hours /module)
- Village Hotel Bournemouth
- Wessex Fields, Deansleigh Road, BH7 7DZ
- Tel : +44 (0) 871 222 4574
Accommodation Please make your own arrangements at the hotel of your choice
- Evelyne RUPP, H.P.

Video projection, handouts, ample hands-on
- Robert R. LaRusso D.C.

Please bring your personal portable table for practical.
Fee per module: EARLY BIRD AFTER FEB 15TH, 2015
- Chiropractor or Licensed Practitioner 500 € I 400 £ 550 € I 440 £
- D.C. 3 first years of practice or Refresher 350 € I 280 £ 400 € I 320 £
- Student of Chiropractic College 250 € I 200 £ 300 € I 240 £
Registration Deadline : February 15th, 2015
Compulsory pre-registration by fax : +33 (0) 557 963 300 or E-Mail
What past attendees think of the N.O.T. seminars:
- A complete approach to help people -R. K. Holland
- Ability to affect systems that are not directly possible with the other techniques I used so far -N.F. Holland
- Extremely good care material. Instructor very good and helpful to all participants on seminar -Ph. T. England
- A technique that truly respects the innate intelligence. I liked the commitment to the group from the instructor -Fr. J. Sweden/England
- Stop just working on the structural and find out about the bigger picture -J.W. England
- A more European and Cartesian presentation - G. W. Belgium
- The quality of the speaker -C. L. France
About Neural Organization Technique
NOT is a holistic technique which brings an understanding and a global treatment of the different aspects of the body. Since 1976, Dr Carl Ferreri D.C. developed one of the most remarkable tools for to manage chronic and difficult problems.
Based on the neurological sequences of the primary survival functions (Feeding, Fight/Flight, Reproduction). Dr Carl Ferreri D.C. has drawn from Applied Kinesiology, Sacro-Occipital Technique, Upledger cranial techniques and Chinese Medicine to synthesize something new. With N.O.T. you will be able, through a very precise protocol, to reorganize deeply the nervous system of your patients.
Practitioners who have trained in N.O.T. have consistently found that, when this technique has been properly applied to help reorganize their patient, other treatment modalities become more effective and efficient.
Therefore N.O.T. is complementary to any practice style. It can be applied prior and in conjunction of your usual approach. It is a fantastic tool to explain your patients where their problems come from, and how you will correct them. A durable stability of the corrections, rapid results and an increase of your scope of treatment produce a dynamic practice.
In order to maximally optimized the NOT integration in your practice , the best conditions will be provided : Technique manual, video power point projection, ample time is spent in guided hands on practice to allow you to immediately apply these powerful tools in your office.
For each unit, tests and corrections will be demonstrated.
Module 1
1st neurological unit:
- Category I: Dural adaptation in reaction to a stressor.
- Universal cranial fault: Its importance in all systemic, auto-immune and genetic problems
- Head and pelvis centering reflexes:
- Neuro-anatomical support and relation to primary functions.
- Dysfunctional repercussions on the facilitation I inhibition mechanism and by extension on gait and articular physiology.
2nd neurological unit
- The "Cranial Injury Complex": relation to chronic cervical problems and characteristic reactive muscular chain.
3rd neurological unit
- The Temporo-Mandibular joint: An approach to this joint in relation to the primary functions. This part is particularly interesting for collaboration with dentists and orthodontists.
- Universal Jaw I: relation with hypotonicity of muscles below the diaphragm.
- Defensive Jaw (emotional/pain control).
- Coccygeal release for dura and Facial defense system.
4th neurological unit
- The "Pelvic Injury Complex": A very important step to fix chronic sacro-iliac problems.
- Structural jaw complex - Category II: Connection between S.I. joints, T.M.J. and the skull.
- Lumbar and disc involvements - Category III
Module 2
5th & 6th neurological unit 
- The Limbic/Immune system complex:
- Limbic vertebral fixation pattern.
- Organic, digestive and adrenal steps.
- Its relation with diaphragm and perineal muscles.
- Its correlation with urine retention, organ ptosis and gynecological problems.
- Digestive Jaw: Its relation with the digestive steps.
- Chronic valve problems: ICV, cardiac, pyloric and Houston valves.
7th neurological unit 
- The Endocrine system: A functional approach in relation to the primary functions.
- "Mini" endocrine program: Skin direction and digestive problems.
- Primary endocrine program: Liver, adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, pancreas, gonads.
- Access to a circulatory deficit: Adrenal's balance.
- Liver congestion / Lymphatic drainage of breasts.
- The Cardiac back syndrome : A common finding in persons under physical and/or emotional stress.
- This protocol is very important as it is one of the first signs of impending heart troubles.
- Peripheral circulation balance.
Module 3 (ADVANCED)
The Idiopathic Scoliosis
Even if the scoliosis protocol is first involved in a structural way, it can also be related to an
emotional stress as demonstrated in the advanced Module IV.
A neurological approach as a compensatory reaction to a deficit created into the vestibulo-ocular route.
This procedure can change patient's life when they present very chronic vertebral pains that don't react to other techniques. It can be very useful even for the patient already having surgery. The typical muscular reactive chain.
Learning disabilities (L.D.), behavioral troubles, hyperactivity, emotional stress, etc. Very useful if you work with disabled and/or gifted children.
- - Vestibulo/ocular reflex system and spheno-palatine component.
- - Auditory processing component.
- - Peripheral visual and auditory distractibility tests.
- - Directions of eye muscle fault in dyslexia.
- - Special section for A.D.D. and A.D.H.D.
- - Emotional release technique.
- - Review of all the protocol and how "to think" N.O.T. in the context of typical health problems.